/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ export class PegasusUtility { /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async init() { Hooks.on('renderChatLog', (log, html, data) => PegasusUtility.chatListeners(html)); this.rollDataStore = {} this.defenderStore = {} } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getSpecs( ) { return this.specs; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async ready() { const specs = await PegasusUtility.loadCompendium("fvtt-pegasus-rpg.specialisations"); this.specs = specs.map(i => i.toObject()); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static computeAttackDefense(defenseRollId) { let defenseRollData = this.getRollData(defenseRollId ); let attackRollData = this.getRollData(defenseRollData.linkedRollId); let defender = game.actors.get( defenseRollData.actorId); defender.processDefenseResult(defenseRollData, attackRollData); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static applyDamage( defenseRollId) { let defenseRollData = this.getRollData(defenseRollId ); let defender = game.actors.get( defenseRollData.actorId); defender.applyDamageLoss( defenseRollData.finalDamage) ; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static applyNoDefense( actorId, attackRollId ) { let attackRollData = this.getRollData(attackRollId ); let defender = game.actors.get( actorId ); defender.processNoDefense( attackRollData ) ; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static reduceDamageWithChi( defenseRollId) { let defenseRollData = this.getRollData(defenseRollId ); let attackRollData = this.getRollData(defenseRollData.linkedRollId); let defender = game.actors.get( defenseRollData.actorId); defender.reduceDamageWithChi(defenseRollData, attackRollData); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async chatListeners(html) { html.on("click", '.apply-technique-cost', event => { const rollId = $(event.currentTarget).data("roll-id"); const actorId = $(event.currentTarget).data("actor-id"); const techId = $(event.currentTarget).data("technique-id"); let actor = game.actors.get( actorId); actor.applyTechniqueCost(techId); }); html.on("click", '.apply-defense-roll', event => { const defenseRollId = $(event.currentTarget).data("roll-id"); this.computeAttackDefense(defenseRollId); }); html.on("click", '.apply-nodefense', event => { const actorId = $(event.currentTarget).data("actor-id"); const rollId = $(event.currentTarget).data("roll-id"); this.applyNoDefense(actorId, rollId); }); html.on("click", '.apply-damage', event => { const rollId = $(event.currentTarget).data("roll-id"); this.applyDamage(rollId); }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async preloadHandlebarsTemplates() { const templatePaths = [ 'systems/fvtt-pegasus-rpg/templates/editor-notes-gm.html', 'systems/fvtt-pegasus-rpg/templates/partial-options-statistics.html', 'systems/fvtt-pegasus-rpg/templates/partial-options-level.html', 'systems/fvtt-pegasus-rpg/templates/partial-options-equipment-types.html' ] return loadTemplates(templatePaths); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static templateData(it) { return PegasusUtility.data(it)?.data ?? {} } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static data(it) { if (it instanceof Actor || it instanceof Item || it instanceof Combatant) { return it.data; } return it; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getChiList() { let chi = []; chi.push( { name: "Jade" }); chi.push( { name: "Crimson" }); chi.push( { name: "Gold" }); chi.push( { name: "White" }); chi.push( { name: "Silver" }); return chi; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getskillChiList( ) { let skillsName = []; let skills = this.getSkills(); console.log("SKILLS", skills); for (let skill of skills) { skillsName.push( { name: skill.name }); } skillsName = skillsName.concat( this.getChiList() ); return skillsName; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static createDirectOptionList( min, max) { let options = {}; for(let i=min; i<=max; i++) { options[`${i}`] = `${i}`; } return options; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static buildListOptions(min, max) { let options = "" for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) { options += `` } return options; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getNegativeModifiers(min, max) { let options = "" options += `` options += `` options += `` return options; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getPositiveModifiers(min, max) { let options = "" options += `` options += `` options += `` options += `` options += `` options += `` options += `` options += `` options += `` options += `` return options; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getTarget() { if (game.user.targets && game.user.targets.size == 1) { for (let target of game.user.targets) { return target; } } return undefined; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getDefenseState( actorId) { return this.defenderStore[actorId]; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async updateDefenseState( defenderId, rollId) { this.defenderStore[defenderId] = rollId; if ( game.user.character && game.user.character.id == defenderId ) { let defender = game.actors.get( defenderId); let chatData = { user: game.user.id, alias : defender.name, rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"), whisper: [game.user.id].concat( ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients('GM') ), content: `
${defender.name} is under attack. He must roll a skill/weapon/technique to defend himself or suffer damages (button below). u.id); if (chatData.rollMode === "blindroll") chatData["blind"] = true; else if (chatData.rollMode === "selfroll") chatData["whisper"] = [game.user]; if (forceWhisper) { // Final force ! chatData["speaker"] = ChatMessage.getSpeaker(); chatData["whisper"] = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(forceWhisper); } return chatData; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async loadCompendiumData(compendium) { const pack = game.packs.get(compendium); return await pack?.getDocuments() ?? []; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async loadCompendium(compendium, filter = item => true) { let compendiumData = await this.loadCompendiumData(compendium); //console.log("Compendium", compendiumData); return compendiumData.filter(filter); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async showDiceSoNice(roll, rollMode) { if (game.modules.get("dice-so-nice")?.active) { if (game.dice3d) { let whisper = null; let blind = false; rollMode = rollMode ?? game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"); switch (rollMode) { case "blindroll": //GM only blind = true; case "gmroll": //GM + rolling player whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM); break; case "roll": //everybody whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.active); break; case "selfroll": whisper = [game.user.id]; break; } await game.dice3d.showForRoll(roll, game.user, true, whisper, blind); } } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async rollWotG( rollData ) { if (rollData.mode == "chidamage" ) { let defender = game.actors.get( rollData.actorId); defender.rollChiDamage(rollData); return; } let nbDice = 0; if ( rollData.mode == 'skill' || rollData.mode == 'technique') { nbDice = rollData.skill?.data.level || 0; } if ( rollData.mode == 'weapon' ) { rollData.skill = rollData.weapon.data.skills[rollData.skillKey]; rollData.skillAttr = rollData.weapon.data.skills[rollData.skillKey].data.attr; nbDice = rollData.skill?.data.level || 0; } if ( rollData.mode == 'technique') { // Compute number of dice if (rollData.attr ) { rollData.skillAttr = rollData.attr; } if (rollData.chi ) { rollData.skillAttr = rollData.chi; nbDice = rollData.skillAttr.value || 0; } } if ( rollData.skill && rollData.skillAttr.value >= rollData.skill.data.level) { nbDice++; } if ( nbDice == 0) nbDice = 1; nbDice += rollData.specialtiesBonus; // Build dice formula let diceTab = []; for(let i=0; i bestScore) bestScore = score; sortedRoll[dice1.results[0].result] = nbFound; } // Final score and keep data rollData.nbDice = nbDice; rollData.bestScore = bestScore; rollData.diceResults = diceResults; rollData.finalScore = bestScore + rollData.negativeModifier + rollData.positiveModifier; console.log("ROLLLL!!!!", rollData); let actor = game.actors.get(rollData.actorId); this.createChatWithRollMode( rollData.alias, { content: await renderTemplate(`systems/fvtt-weapons-of-the-gods/templates/chat-generic-result.html`, rollData) }); if ( rollData.defender ) { this.storeDefenseState( rollData ); } this.saveRollData( rollData ); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getDamageDice( result ) { if ( result < 0) return 0; return Math.floor(result/5) + 1; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static removeDice( rollData, diceIndex) { let diceResults = rollData.diceResults; diceResults.splice( diceIndex, 1); rollData.diceResults = diceResults; rollData.nbDice = diceResults.length; this.updateRoll(rollData); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static addDice(rollId, diceValue) { let rollData = this.getRollData( rollId ); let diceResults = rollData.diceResults; let newResult = duplicate(diceResults[0]); newResult.result = diceValue; diceResults.push( newResult); rollData.diceResults = diceResults; rollData.nbDice = diceResults.length; this.updateRoll(rollData); } /* ------------------------- ------------------- */ static async updateRoll( rollData) { let diceResults = rollData.diceResults; let sortedRoll = []; for (let i=0; i<10; i++) { sortedRoll[i] = 0; } for (let dice of diceResults) { sortedRoll[dice.result]++; } let index = 0; let bestRoll = 0; for (let i=0; i<10; i++) { if ( sortedRoll[i] > bestRoll) { bestRoll = sortedRoll[i]; index = i; } } let bestScore = (bestRoll * 10) + index; rollData.bestScore = bestScore; rollData.finalScore = bestScore + rollData.negativeModifier + rollData.positiveModifier; this.saveRollData(rollData ); this.createChatWithRollMode( rollData.alias, { content: await renderTemplate(`systems/fvtt-weapons-of-the-gods/templates/chat-generic-result.html`, rollData) }); } /* ------------------------- ------------------- */ static async rerollDice( actorId, diceIndex = -1 ) { let actor = game.actors.get(actorId); let rollData = actor.getRollData( ); if ( diceIndex == -1 ) { rollData.hasWillpower = actor.decrementWillpower(); rollData.roll = undefined; } else { let myRoll = new Roll("1d6").roll( { async: false} ); await this.showDiceSoNice(myRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode") ); console.log("Result: ", myRoll); rollData.roll.dice[0].results[diceIndex].result = myRoll.total; // Patch rollData.nbStrongHitUsed++; } this.rollFraggedKingdom( rollData ); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getUsers(filter) { return game.users.filter(filter).map(user => user.data._id); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getWhisperRecipients(rollMode, name) { switch (rollMode) { case "blindroll": return this.getUsers(user => user.isGM); case "gmroll": return this.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name); case "selfroll": return [game.user.id]; } return undefined; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name) { let recep1 = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(name) || []; return recep1.concat(ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients('GM')); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static blindMessageToGM(chatOptions) { let chatGM = duplicate(chatOptions); chatGM.whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM); chatGM.content = "Blinde message of " + game.user.name + "
" + chatOptions.content; console.log("blindMessageToGM", chatGM); game.socket.emit("system.fvtt-weapons-of-the-gods", { msg: "msg_gm_chat_message", data: chatGM }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static split3Columns(data) { let array = [ [], [], [] ]; if (data== undefined) return array; let col = 0; for (let key in data) { let keyword = data[key]; keyword.key = key; // Self-reference array[col].push( keyword); col++; if (col == 3) col = 0; } return array; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static createChatMessage(name, rollMode, chatOptions) { switch (rollMode) { case "blindroll": // GM only if (!game.user.isGM) { this.blindMessageToGM(chatOptions); chatOptions.whisper = [game.user.id]; chatOptions.content = "Message only to the GM"; } else { chatOptions.whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM); } break; default: chatOptions.whisper = this.getWhisperRecipients(rollMode, name); break; } chatOptions.alias = chatOptions.alias || name; ChatMessage.create(chatOptions); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static createChatWithRollMode(name, chatOptions) { this.createChatMessage(name, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"), chatOptions); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static buildDifficultyOptions( ) { let options = "" options += `` options += `` options += `` options += `` options += `` return options; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async confirmDelete(actorSheet, li) { let itemId = li.data("item-id"); let msgTxt = "

Are you sure to remove this Item ?"; let buttons = { delete: { icon: '', label: "Yes, remove it", callback: () => { actorSheet.actor.deleteEmbeddedDocuments( "Item", [itemId] ); li.slideUp(200, () => actorSheet.render(false)); } }, cancel: { icon: '', label: "Cancel" } } msgTxt += "

"; let d = new Dialog({ title: "Confirm removal", content: msgTxt, buttons: buttons, default: "cancel" }); d.render(true); } }