{ "label": "SWADE Règles", "entries": { "1. Characters": { "name": "1. Personnages", "pages": { "Characters": { "text": "



Great heroes are more than a collection of statistics and numbers, but in a game system this is certainly where they begin. To make your hero, download a Savage Worlds character sheet from our website at www.peginc.com<\/strong><\/a> and follow the steps below<\/p>\n


Published Savage Settings often come with both character ideas and pregenerated “Archetypes.” You can play these as-is or use them to spark your own ideas.<\/p>\n

You might play an iconic gunslinger in Deadlands: The Weird West<\/em><\/a>, for example, or you might try something a little different and play the innocent schoolmarm destined to save the town. Look through the player’s section of your setting or talk to the GM if it’s a world of her own creation to see what kind of character catches your interest.<\/p>\n


Settings may feature everything from humans to strange aliens, graceful elves, or other exotic races. You can choose to play any race available in your particular setting.<\/p>\n

A number of sample races are detailed @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Races]{here}, as well as rules for players and Game Masters to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Making Races]{create your own}.<\/p>\n


@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Handicaps} are flaws, drawbacks, or dark secrets drawn from a character’s backstory.<\/p>\n

You can take up to 4 points of Hindrances. A Major Hindrance is worth 2 points, and a Minor is worth 1. A hero could thus take two Major Hindrances, four Minor, or any combination that adds up to 4 points. (You can take more Hindrances if you want but the maximum benefit is 4 points!)<\/p>\n

Taking Hindrances not only helps you define and roleplay your hero, but also gives you additional points you can use to start with additional attribute or skill points, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Edges]{Atouts}, or even money for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Gear Notes]{gear}.<\/p>\n

For 2 points you can:<\/strong><\/p>\n