{{#if img}} {{/if}}


{{#if sizeDice}}
Size basic dices : {{sizeDice.nb}}{{sizeDice.dice}}
Distance bonus dice(s) : {{distanceBonusDice}}
{{/if}} {{#if hasCover}}
Cover :
{{/if}} {{#if situational}}
Situational :
{{/if}} {{#if save}}
{{save.label}} : {{save.value}}d6
{{/if}} {{#if ability}}
Ability : {{ability.value}}d6
{{/if}} {{#if weapon}}
Weapon : {{weapon.name}}
{{/if}} {{#if shield}}
Use shield ? :
{{shield.name}} : {{shield.data.shielddie}}
{{/if}} {{#if skill}}
Skill : {{skill.name}} - {{skill.data.skilldice}}
Feature die or SL+2? : {{#if skill.data.isfeatdie}} Yes {{else}} No {{/if}}
{{/if}} {{#if noAdvantage}}
No advantage due to condition : {{noAdvantage.name}}
Advantage :
Disadvantage :
Roll with Advantage/Disadvantage :
{{#if forceAdvantage}}
1 Advantage from condition : {{forceAdvantage.name}} {{#if advantageFromTarget}} (Provided by targetted actor) {{/if}}
{{/if}} {{#if forceDisadvantage}}
1 Disadvantage from condition : {{forceDisadvantage.name}}
{{/if}} {{#if forceRollAdvantage}}
Roll Advantage from condition : {{forceRollAdvantage.name}}
{{/if}} {{#if forceRollDisadvantage}}
Roll Disadvantage from condition : {{forceRollDisadvantage.name}}