{ "die": "1d100", "name": "Maladresse de Monture", "hide" : true, "rows": [ { "name": "Harnachement cassé", "description": "A torn saddle strap, a shredded harness or a lost stirrup — some part of your mount’s tack has been damaged, making travel more difficult. The rider must make a Difficult (–10) Ride Test or fall off (a distance of 2 yards). Until the tack is repaired, all future Ride Tests suffer a –20 penalty.", "range": [1,40] }, { "name": "Fer perdu", "description": "The animal loses a shoe. The rider must make a Difficult (–10) Ride Test or fall off (a distance of 2 yards). The animal must move at a Walk until the shoe has been replaced by a farrier. Forcing the animal to move faster cause it to become Lame.", "range": [41,85] }, { "name": "Boiteux", "description": "The animal cannot move faster than half its Walk speed, cannot be ridden or carry packs, and cannot pull a load. Attempting to bring the animal any further on a journey using the @JournalEntry[The Story]{Travel rules} increases the journey length by 1 Stage. Any attempt to do any of these things costs the animal 1d10 Wounds, regardless of Toughness Bonus. On a roll of 8+, the animal must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or suffer a @Table[critleg]{Critical Wound} to its legs.", "range": [86,98] }, { "name": "Jambe cassée", "description": "The animal suffers a Broken Bone (Major) on its leg, and becomes immobile. If the broken bone ever heals, the animal’s Movement is reduced by half. Usually, when a horse or similar breaks a leg, there is little hope of it surviving.", "range": [99,100] } ] }