{ "name": "How Do I Know You Again?", "die": "1d100", "hide": true, "rows": [ { "description": "We both served time in one of the Empire’s illustrious prisons.", "range": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "description": "We used to be lovers, but the whims of Katya pulled us apart.", "range": [ 3, 4 ] }, { "description": "We are distantly related, through a complex web of bloodlines better left unexamined.", "range": [ 5, 6 ] }, { "description": "We are childhood friends, who grew up in the same rough neighbourhood.", "range": [ 7, 8 ] }, { "description": "We were once going to be married, but the Rhyans refused to wed us, and we never learned why.", "range": [ 9, 10 ] }, { "description": "We grew up in the same town, on the outskirts of the same monster-filled wilderness.", "range": [ 11, 12 ] }, { "description": "We were rivals for the same position, and butted heads for years.", "range": [ 13, 14 ] }, { "description": "We were rivals for the same paramour who was cruelly stolen from the world by the machinations of Morr.", "range": [ 15, 16 ] }, { "description": "One of us was a previous victim of the other’s criminal ways, though, thank Ranald, that the victim doesn’t realise it!", "range": [ 17, 18 ] }, { "description": "One of us once betrayed the other, though by the grace of Sigmar, that past crime has been forgiven… or has it?", "range": [ 19, 20 ] }, { "description": "We served in the same conscripted militia, and learned to fear the howling of Ulric’s wolves together.", "range": [ 21, 22 ] }, { "description": "We were refugees together after a Greenskin attack on our duchy.", "range": [ 23, 24 ] }, { "description": "We met a long time ago, in a city on the other side of the Old World.", "range": [ 25, 26 ] }, { "description": "We were both victims of the same misfortune under Morrsleib’s pale-green glow.", "range": [ 27, 28 ] }, { "description": "We were both embroiled in a brawl together, somewhere on Altdorf ’s Street of a Thousand Taverns, and teamed up for mutual safety.", "range": [ 29, 30 ] }, { "description": "One of us was mistaken for someone else by the other, and lead on a series of curious events before anyone realised.", "range": [ 31, 32 ] }, { "description": "We met on the road, travelling in the same direction, and, ‘just got to talking’.", "range": [ 33, 34 ] }, { "description": "We were both framed by a Roadwarden for a crime we didn’t commit.", "range": [ 35, 36 ] }, { "description": "We were both sentenced to hang when our convoy was attacked by Beastmen and we escaped together.", "range": [ 37, 38 ] }, { "description": "One of us married the other’s widowed father or mother.", "range": [ 39, 40 ] }, { "description": "We were both sick and treated by the same Shallyan Order.", "range": [ 41, 42 ] }, { "description": "We grew up in the same Sigmarite congregation.", "range": [ 43, 44 ] }, { "description": "We were childhood sweethearts, until one of us had to leave home forever.", "range": [ 45, 46 ] }, { "description": "Our families have feuded for generations; indeed, our neighbours called our family disputes the, ‘Little Parravonese Wars’.", "range": [ 47, 48 ] }, { "description": "One of our father’s murdered the other’s in a vendetta worthy of a Tilean opera.", "range": [ 49, 50 ] }, { "description": "One of our families adopted the other when their family was burnt for witchcraft.", "range": [ 51, 52 ] }, { "description": "One of us caught the other red-handed picking their pocket.", "range": [ 53, 54 ] }, { "description": "We both attended a funeral in the Garden of Morr for a mutual friend.", "range": [ 55, 56 ] }, { "description": "Our mothers were old travelling companions, before they settled down to their respective families.", "range": [ 57, 58 ] }, { "description": "We both have siblings who were caught up in the same Chaos Cult.", "range": [ 59, 60 ] }, { "description": "Our siblings ran off together, causing a scandal in both families.", "range": [ 61, 62 ] }, { "description": "We share a merchant father who was juggling two families, kept secret from each other.", "range": [ 63, 64 ] }, { "description": "We were both caught during the same raid on a brothel, and had to explain how we were steadfastly not involved with the Chaos Cult discovered out back.", "range": [ 65, 66 ] }, { "description": "We used to be roommates in a filthy tenement building.", "range": [ 67, 68 ] }, { "description": "Somehow, our Doomings demanded we meet up, though we obviously keep them secret from each other.", "range": [ 69, 70 ] }, { "description": "We grew up in rivalling provinces, despite our villages being less than a mile from each other.", "range": [ 71, 72 ] }, { "description": "We were once shipwrecked together, and had to spend an uncomfortable few months off the coast of Nordland.", "range": [ 73, 74 ] }, { "description": "We were both onboard ships that were captured by Sartosan pirates, but managed to escape together.", "range": [ 75, 76 ] }, { "description": "We both caught the same terrible disease many years ago, and were locked in quarantine together before it mysteriously lifted.", "range": [ 77, 78 ] }, { "description": "One of us turned up drunk on the other’s doorstep with the homeowner’s name tattooed on their arm. Neither of us know how this could have happened, or why.", "range": [ 79, 80 ] }, { "description": "We were both invited to the same ‘dinner party’ hosted by an aristocrat in a dusty out-of-fashion doublet with a strange accent.", "range": [ 81, 82 ] }, { "description": "A letter in one of our fathers’ Last Will and Testaments contained the name and address of the other, and we cannot determine why this is…", "range": [ 83, 84 ] }, { "description": "We were both forced to flee our hometown when our families were caught between two rival gangs.", "range": [ 85, 86 ] }, { "description": "We were both caught in a crossfire between two charging armies, and barely escaped the bloodshed.", "range": [ 87, 88 ] }, { "description": "One of us saved the other from a terrible bully when we were growing up, and we’ve stuck close together ever since.", "range": [ 89, 90 ] }, { "description": "We found each other after not being able to sleep for several nights in a row… The scratching in the walls just got too much, and we got to talking.", "range": [ 91, 92 ] }, { "description": "We were both using the same river crossing when we were accosted by a notorious highwayman. Let’s just say it didn’t turn out well for him.", "range": [ 93, 94 ] }, { "description": "We both attended an uncharacteristically and inexplicably free lecture held in the local university, and it changed how we saw the world from then on.", "range": [ 95, 96 ] }, { "description": "A witch introduced us to each other, and gave the impression it would be ill-advised for us to split up.", "range": [ 97, 98 ] }, { "description": "We both received a cryptic letter that lead us to the same place at the same time, but then… nothing happened.", "range": [ 99, 100 ] } ] }