2021-01-22 10:05:07 +01:00

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{"_id":"3o49zG4Xtc1I29j2","name":"Celebrity Deluxe","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"geneline","data":{"experiences":"Str +5, Dex +10, Spd +5, End +10, Int +0, Per +15, Chr +15, Det +0","edge":"","weakness":"<p>People with this geneline are often pushed into lives where they&nbsp;are constantly surrounded by people and attention from a very young age. Some with&nbsp;this geneline then grow up to be uncomfortable in situations where they aren&rsquo;t with&nbsp;people, optionally meriting an&nbsp; Impairment&nbsp;weakness that affects situations where they&nbsp;are alone. Others grow to see people&nbsp; more as&nbsp;tools, resulting in an Impairment that affects&nbsp;empathy or nurturing.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>","description":"<p>Some parents have both considerable money and dream of their child being a celebrity, dancer, model or other limelight type. These parents may pick a celebrity deluxe upgrade. This upgrade provides a genetic disposition geared towards being an outgoing and charismatic individual, but as a deluxe geneline, its cost is outside the means of most parents.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/geneline.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"FXvzVvIAlIaKcxKt","name":"Genius Deluxe","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"geneline","data":{"experiences":"Str +0, Dex +5, Spd +10, End +0, Int +15, Per +10, Chr +5, Det + 15","edge":"","weakness":"<p>Picking up on things&nbsp;more quickly than those around them, people with a genius deluxe geneline can grow&nbsp;up to think little of others, optionally resulting in an Impairment weakness. Others&nbsp;rely too heavily on their natural aptitudes in&nbsp;picking things up rather than on hard work&nbsp;and training, resulting in an Impairment to&nbsp;certain skills or areas of interest.&nbsp;</p>","description":"<p>Life is harder when you&rsquo;re dumb. Some parents don&rsquo;t want their child going through that, so they pour considerable financial resources into purchasing a genetic upgrade that will ensure the largest possible boost to the child&rsquo;s intelligence. This upgrade does just that, providing a genetic disposition towards memory and quick learning. As a deluxe upgrade, however, this geneline is outside the means of most parents.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/geneline.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"Z0kAEjj49XWb0cln","name":"Groundside Standard","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"geneline","data":{"experiences":"Str +10, Dex +0, Spd +0, End +10, Int +10, Per +10, Chr +10, Det +10","edge":"","weakness":"<p>The vast majority of&nbsp;people live in a gravity well and never journey into space in their lifetimes. As such,&nbsp;protections against common space ailments&mdash;such as higher levels of background&nbsp;radiation or loss of bone density in microgravity environments&mdash;are commonly excluded from groundside standard genelines in an effort to make them affordable. The&nbsp;player may optionally take an Impairment&nbsp;weakness to account for this.&nbsp;</p>","description":"<p>The single most common class of genelines, this represents the standard genelines commonly chosen by those living in a gravity well. It includes all the usual protections against genetic diseases as well as resistance to&nbsp;the transmissible diseases usually found among large populations. Finally, resistance to environmental pollutants and well-rounded developmental upgrades are added.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/geneline.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"ZKwO7Sk5ZkLynPL4","name":"Spacer's Standard","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"geneline","data":{"experiences":"Str +0, Dex +10, Spd +10, End +0, Int +10, Per +10, Chr +10, Det +10","edge":"","weakness":"<p>Spacers largely live in&nbsp;a climate-controlled world of air-scrubbers&nbsp;and recyclers. As such, standard spacer&nbsp;genelines often fail to include modifications that protect against rampant environmental pollutants found in Earth or the&nbsp;prevalence of diseases found in the large&nbsp;population centers groundside. The player&nbsp;may optionally&nbsp; take an Impairment weakness to account for this.&nbsp;</p>","description":"<p>The standard gene upgrades typically chosen by spacers are different than those typically chosen by people living in a&nbsp; gravity&nbsp;well because the environmental conditions are&nbsp;significantly different. While all the standard&nbsp;protections against genetic diseases are still&nbsp;included, the spacer&rsquo;s standard also includes&nbsp;protection against bone degradation due to&nbsp;microgravity as well as resistance against the&nbsp;higher levels of radiation people are typically exposed to in space. Finally, it also includes broad-spectrum upgrades with an emphasis on&nbsp;the flexibility and mobility needed in a microgravity environment.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/geneline.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"fnhTh5Quo99Q37qu","name":"Athlete Deluxe","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"geneline","data":{"experiences":"Str +15, Dex +10, Spd +10,End +15, Int +5, Per +0, Chr +0, Det +5","edge":"","weakness":"<p>These genelines are&nbsp;marketed at a demographic of parents with&nbsp;very clear ideas of what they want for their&nbsp;child and with enough money to see that&nbsp;focus happens. As such, many children&nbsp;growing up with this geneline find their&nbsp;lives hyper-focused on athletics in spite of&nbsp;whatever wishes they themselves may have.&nbsp;This focus can lead to clear deficiencies in&nbsp;other fields, optionally meriting an Impairment weakness in other areas. Some with&nbsp;this weakness also wash out, injuring themselves in some unrepairable way because&nbsp;they assume their geneline will be more&nbsp;protection against such things than it is. A&nbsp;Disability or other Shortcoming weakness&nbsp;might represent this.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>","description":"<p>This is an upmarket geneline category targeted at those who want to provide their child with a genetic disposition favoring athleticism and physical capability. It&rsquo;s often purchased by those who dream of raising a future sports star or those who want to make up for family genes that convey poor physicalability. As a deluxe geneline, its cost is outside the means of most parents, and as such it isn&rsquo;t commonly found among manual laborers, despite its obvious assistance there.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/geneline.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"gIkbFA4mnxEuYHwU","name":"Budget Upgrade","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"geneline","data":{"experiences":"Str +5, Dex +5, Spd +5, End +5, Int + 5, Per +5, Chr +5, Det +5","edge":"+2. As someone with a geneline that is generally considered sub-par, those with a budget upgrade must develop their edge more than most in order to compete.","weakness":"<p>Budget Upgrades are&nbsp;meant to deliver the maximum bang for&nbsp;a small amount of buck, but in order to&nbsp;achieve this, the upgrades always have to&nbsp;cut corners. Some companies even use budget upgrades as a testbed for experimental&nbsp;genetic manipulations that may one day be&nbsp;incorporated into deluxe or standard packages. As with most&nbsp; experiments, many of&nbsp;these are failures. The player may optionally choose an&nbsp; Impairment or Shortcoming weakness to account for a cut corner or&nbsp;unintended side&nbsp; effect of an experimental&nbsp;gene manipulation.&nbsp;</p>","description":"<p>Families who cannot afford a standard genetic upgrade for their child often opt to pick a budget upgrade. While these upgrades aren&rsquo;t as full-featured as standard packages, they do provide crucial protection against most common genetic diseases, as well as modest boosts to the child&rsquo;s inborn capabilities. Those born with a budget upgrade often lag behind their peers during development, but some take these difficulties in stride and it drives them to focus and work to become competitive.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/geneline.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"uFBXPRUJpmboZbme","name":"Wild Type","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"geneline","data":{"experiences":"The player may put +5 experiences into four different stats of her choice.","edge":"+4. Competing in a world where almost everyone else has a genome bioengineered to be better than the wild type, those few that manage to compete despite their wild type geneline must develop their edge to its fullest extent.","weakness":"<p>Many people&nbsp;throughout human history have experienced a variety of genetic defects or handicaps&mdash;from sickle-cell anemia to Marfan&nbsp;syndrome. Thanks to the wonders of bioengineering, these are largely a thing of the&nbsp;past. However, as one of the few with a&nbsp;wild type genome, this character may possess such a genetic defect. The player may optionally choose a weakness trait representing the particular defect.&nbsp;</p>","description":"<p>Those with a wild type genome don&rsquo;t have a gene upgrade, and instead they simply have whatever genetic material their parents&nbsp;naturally provided them with. People with a&nbsp;wild type genome are becoming a rarity outside&nbsp;of the very remote, the impoverished or within&nbsp;certain religious groups. They frequently lag&nbsp;behind their peers in development and are&nbsp;susceptible to numerous genetic diseases.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/geneline.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"vDOAmovqE53dQzlh","name":"Modern Superman","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"geneline","data":{"experiences":"Str +10, Dex +10, Spd +10, End +10, Int +10, Per +10, Chr +10, Det +10","edge":"-3. As the pinnacle of human engi- neering, those with the Modern Superman geneline need to rely less on their edge to get them through situations, and as such, do not develop it as much to get them through life.","weakness":"<p>Many people who&nbsp;grow up with a modern superman geneline&nbsp;find it difficult not to think of themselves&nbsp;as better than other people. After all, they&nbsp;tend to be stronger, tougher, faster, smarter&nbsp;and more perceptive than those around&nbsp;them. However charismatic someone with&nbsp;a modern superman geneline is, this feeling of superiority often rubs those around&nbsp;them the wrong way and may lead to them&nbsp;overestimating their own abilities. The&nbsp;player may optionally take an Impairment&nbsp;or Complication weakness to represent&nbsp;this.&nbsp;</p>","description":"<p>Genelines in the modern superman class&nbsp; represent the best well-rounded genetic upgrades money can buy. As such, these&nbsp;upgrades are typically only found among the&nbsp;children of the very rich or influential. Children&nbsp;with these upgrades typically excel past their&nbsp;peers, and alternately either find themselves at&nbsp;the pinnacle of popularity or isolated for it.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/geneline.svg","effects":[]}