2021-01-22 10:05:07 +01:00

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{"_id":"0xmW2R5sieo5k4d9","name":"Techno","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"subculture","data":{"experiences":"Comp-Ops +2, Engineer +2, Mechanic +2, Phy-Sci +2, Program +2, Vehicles +2","description":"<p>The Techno subculture embraces new technologies and their impact on daily life, particularly in regard to AI, AR, implants and simspaces. Many of the older generation in the subculture view meatspace as increasingly obsolete and seek instead to &ldquo;transcend&rdquo; meatspace in favor of an almost entirely digital life. Many of the younger generation in the subculture instead favor elective implants as a way to overcome the limitations of the flesh. See page 52.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/subculture.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"Aqq8oo08963xiBdN","name":"Neoret","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"subculture","data":{"experiences":"Crafts +2, Deception +2, Investigate +2, Lib-Arts +2, Melee +2, Naturalist +2","description":"<p>The Neoret subculture mixes personal eccentricity with the exaltation of looking back to an idealized past. The subculture embraces the reintroduction of older ideas and models of organization, usually with some revisionist twist. It also values a reverence to past cultural identities and mores. This backward-facing mentality can lead some in other subcultures to view Neorets as foolish or blind to the negative aspects of the past. See page 48.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/subculture.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"HoCGKRs6kBukyXBj","name":"Entro","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"subculture","data":{"experiences":"Conspiracy +2, Crafts +2, Mechanic +2, Medic +2, Melee +2, Thievery +2","description":"<p>The Entro subculture thrives on discorda nd is highly critical of authorities, social class and corporate power. In many ways, the&nbsp; Entro subculture is a long-lived counterculture, rebelling against many of the trends of the last half century. The subculture prizes a stubborn determination and bullheadedness even to the point of throwing punches. See page 38.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/subculture.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"OMR0P7EswUKiUSvR","name":"Expret","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"subculture","data":{"experiences":"Athletics +2, Bureaucrat +2,Empathy +2, Lib-Arts +2, Persuade +2, Socialize +2","description":"<p>Expret culture values aesthetics and places a great emphasis on personal upkeep. The subculture also places significant value on&nbsp;&nbsp;appeal to emotion, interpersonal communication and subjective experience. This emphasis&nbsp;can make many of those in other subcultures feel an Expret is being too personal for&nbsp;comfort. See page 40.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/subculture.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"aWiupg73l7bg3CFq","name":"Ghostman","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"subculture","data":{"experiences":"Awareness +2, Conspiracy +2, Investigate +2, Program +2, Stealth +2, Thievery +2","description":"<p>The Ghostman subculture is known for its morbid aesthetic and flights of fancy. The subculture values a sense of romanticism bordering on escapism. As with the Neoret subculture, the Ghostmen sometimes look back at an idealized past, but in the case of the Ghostman subculture, this view borders on one of pure fantasy. The subculture&rsquo;s adherents are more likely than most to mix a sense of religion, spiritualism or occultism into their daily lives. See page 44.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/subculture.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"rCCXvVWlGtkJIXvC","name":"Heed","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"subculture","data":{"experiences":"Awareness +2, Bio-Sci +2, Empathy +2, Medic +2, Phy-Sci +2, Socialize +2","description":"<p>Heed culture values pursuit of pleasure, new experiences and living in the moment. This emphasis on the here-and-now has led some in other subcultures to view Heeds as short-sighted. The subculture embraces chemical augmentation of abilities but is more likely than most to reject physical augmentation through implants. Heeds also tend to have a lack of emphasis on clothing and personal appearance. See page 46.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/subculture.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"u9yGtx2Pr5ckjt5q","name":"Former","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"subculture","data":{"experiences":"Athletics +2, Bureaucrat +2, Comp-Ops +2, Deception +2, Persuade +2, Stealth +2","description":"<p>The Former subculture places great emphasis on wealth and the acquisition of material possessions. It also values close-knitties between members of the subculture, and many Former-led organizations display a thinly-veiled favoritism towards other Formers. Popular in the subculture is a clean, almost plastic appearance. Elective implants are common. See page 42.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/subculture.svg","effects":[]}
{"_id":"xaHXF4xCPb598RYA","name":"Serv","permission":{"default":0,"pJLHbu8WlBVyfXG4":3},"type":"subculture","data":{"experiences":"Athletics +2, Awareness +2, Bio-Sci +2, Engineer +2, Naturalist +2, Vehicles +2","description":"<p>Serv is less a coherent subculture than an amalgamation of different conservative religious groups and cultures that are lumped together by the rest of society under the category due to their rejection of modern culture and mores. This includes groups of Mennonites, communities of Hasidic Jews,some sects of Hindus, some tribal Islamic communities and any number of other traditional religious communities. See page 50.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"flags":{},"img":"systems/foundryvtt-shadows-over-sol/img/icons/subculture.svg","effects":[]}